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Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in English). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in English). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in English). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in English). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in English). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in English). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in English). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2021) Cartoon combined - Complete file (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in English). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in English). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2022) Strengthening the web of prevention against chemical and biological weapons. Working Paper. N/A. (Unpublished)
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2021) Using cartoons as an effective way of communicating BTWC between politicians and scientists and general public after COVID-19. In: SCIENCE · PEACE · SECURITY ’21 The impact of new technologies: Destabilizing or enabling resilience?, 8-10 September 2021, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen University, Germany. (Unpublished)
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in French). [Artefact]
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