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Haynes, Jeffrey (2022) Avrupa ve ABD'de Sağcı Popülizm ve Din (Right-wing populism and religion in Europe and the USA). Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 31 (2). pp. 753-784. ISSN 1301-3394
Haynes, Jeffrey (2018) Book review : A secular age beyond the west: religion, law and the state in Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, edited by Mirjam Künkler, John Madeley and Shylashri Shankar. Democratization, 26 (2). pp. 352-353. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2024) Book review : Africa's urban youth: challenging marginalization, claiming citizenship by Amy S. Patterson, Tracy Kuperus, and Megan Hershey. Political Science Quarterly, 139 (3). pp. 495-496. ISSN 1538-165X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2019) Book review : American Islamophobia: understanding the roots and rise of fear. Democratization, 27 (3). pp. 501-502. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2020) Book review : Capital and ideology. Democratization, 28 (2). pp. 456-458. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2019) Book review : Civic activism unleashed: new hope or false dawn for democracy? by Richard Youngs. Democratization, 27 (1). pp. 162-163. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2017) Book review : Competing fundamentalisms: violent extremism in Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Politics, Religion & Ideology, 18 (3). pp. 352-353. ISSN 2156-7697
Haynes, Jeffrey (2017) Book review : Go back to where you come from: the backlash against immigration and the fate of Western democracy, by Sasha Polakow-Suransky. Democratization, 25 (7). pp. 1317-1318. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2017) Book review : Hate Spin: the manufacture of religious offense and its threat to democracy, by Cherian George. Democratization, 25 (4). pp. 752-754. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2018) Book review : How democracy ends, by David Runciman. Democratization, 26 (2). pp. 344-346. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2020) Book review : Imagining Judeo-Christian America: religion, secularism, and the redefinition of democracy. Democratization, 28 (6). pp. 1214-1216. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2023) Book review : Jerry John Rawlings: leadership and legacy: a pan-African perspective. Democratization, 30 (4). pp. 763-765. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2020) Book review : Neo-nationalism: the rise of nativist populism. Democratization, 28 (3). pp. 645-646. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2023) Book review : Neoliberal citizenship: sacred markets, sacrificial lives by Luca Mavelli. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 190 pp., £75 (hardback) ISBN 978-0-19-285758-3. Democratization, 31 (3). pp. 685-686. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2023) Book review : Pastoral power, clerical state: Pentecostalism, gender, and sexuality in Nigeria, by Ebenezer Obadare. Democratization, 31 (1). pp. 260-261. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2020) Book review : Political power in America: class conflict and the subversion of democracy. Democratization, 27 (8). pp. 1552-1554. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2024) Book review : Religion, populism, and modernity: confronting white Christian nationalism and racism. Party Politics, 30 (5). pp. 979-980. ISSN 1460-3683
Haynes, Jeffrey (2020) Book review : Religious freedom in Islam: the fate of a universal human right in the Muslim world today. Democratization. pp. 1-2. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2017) Book review : Securing the sacred. Religion, national security, and the Western State by Robert Bosco, Ann Arbor. Democratization, 25 (5). pp. 938-939. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2022) Book review : The moral economy of elections in Africa: democracy, voting and virtue. Democratization, 29 (1). pp. 208-209. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2019) Book review : The people vs. democracy: why our freedom is in danger and how to save it / by Yascha Mounk. Democratization, 26 (1). pp. 161-163. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2024) Book review : The political economy of heaven and earth in Ghana / Charles Prempeh. Review of Faith & International Affairs, 22 (3). pp. 96-97. ISSN 1931-7743
Haynes, Jeffrey (2021) Book review : The power worshippers: inside the dangerous rise of religious nationalism. Religion, State and Society, 49 (3). pp. 284-286. ISSN 1465-3974
Haynes, Jeffrey (2019) Book review : Trump’s America: the political impact of Christian and secular nationalism. Democratization, 27 (4). pp. 681-687. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2022) Book review : We God’s people: Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism in the world of nations. Review of Faith & International Affairs, 20 (4). pp. 119-120. ISSN 1931-7743
Haynes, Jeffrey (2018) Book review : What is Political Islam?, by Jocelyne Cesari. Democratization, 25 (8). pp. 1544-1546. ISSN 1743-890X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2023) Christian nationalism and politics in Ghana. Religions, 14 (9) (1202). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2077-1444
Haynes, Jeffrey (2021) Donald Trump, the Christian right and COVID-19: the politics of religious freedom. Laws, 10 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2075-471X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2013) Faith-based organisations, development and the World Bank. Revue internationale de politique de développement (4). pp. 49-64. ISSN 1663-9375
Haynes, Jeffrey (2017) Global governance and the United Nations: the ‘clash of civilisations’ and the ‘rise’ of RNGOs. Globalizations, 14 (6). pp. 1060-1068. ISSN 1474-774X
Haynes, Jeffrey (2020) Introductory thoughts about peace, politics and religion. Religions, 11 (242). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2077-1444
Haynes, Jeffrey (2021) Religion and international relations: what do we know and how do we know it? Religions, 12 (5). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2077-1444
Haynes, Jeffrey (2025) Religion, morality, and democracy in Ghana. Journal of Religion in Africa, 55 (1). pp. 121-146. ISSN 1570-0666
Haynes, Jeffrey (2022) Religious and economic soft power in Ghana-Turkey relations. Religions, 13(11) (1030). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2077-1444
Haynes, Jeffrey (2021) Right-wing nationalism, populism, and religion: what are the connections and why? Religion, State and Society, 49 (3). pp. 188-194. ISSN 1465-3974
Haynes, Jeffrey (2020) Right-wing populism and religion in Europe and the USA. Religions, 11 (10/490). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2077-1444
Haynes, Jeffrey (2020) Trump and the politics of international religious freedom. Religions, 11 (8). ISSN 2077-1444
Haynes, Jeffrey (2017) The United Nations Alliance of Civilisations and global justice. Globalizations, 14 (7). pp. 1125-1139. ISSN 1474-774X
Henne, Peter S. and Öztürk, Ahmet Erdi (2022) The practice of soft power. Religions, 13 (9) (805). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2077-1444
Hickman, Katy, Sheriff, Abdul and Alibhai-Brown, Yasmin (2010) Debating Africa : BBC's documentary "Heart & soul - return to Zanzibar". Information, society and justice journal, 3 (2). pp. 177-185. ISSN 1756-1078
Hobson, Tom, Sundaram, Lalitha S., Aldridge, David, Christie, Alec, Edwards, Brett, Dando, Malcolm, Petrovan, Silviu, Shang, Lijun, Sutherland, William, Ó hÉigeartaigh, Seán and Smith, Rebecca (2022) Submission of evidence to the Cabinet Office enquiry on the biological security strategy. Working Paper. University of Cambridge, Cambridge. (Submitted)
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Ibbotson, Olivia, MacRaild, Donald M., Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2024) The evolution of international arms control from the 1800s to 2010 [poster]. In: LMU Student and Staff Research Conference 2024, 2-3 Juy 2024, London Metropolitan University, Holloway campus. London (UK). (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, Olivia, MacRaild, Donald M. and Shang, Lijun (2024) Investigating the legality of white phosphorus as an inhumane weapon of war [Poster]. In: LMU Student and Staff Research Conference 2024, 2-3 Juy 2024, London Metropolitan University, Holloway campus. London (UK). (Unpublished)
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Kersmo, Tadesse Biru (2022) When the weak survives taking advantage of rivalry between stronger opponents? International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Studies (IJAHSS), 4 (5). pp. 184-192. ISSN 2582-3647
Kersmo, Tadesse Biru (2021) The nexus between 'failed states' and international terrorism. Academia Letters (1447). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2771-9359
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Nayak, Bhabani Shankar (2023) The Chinese way: alternative policy perspectives and challenges. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781032568171
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Nayak, Bhabani Shankar (2023) Interdisciplinary reflections on South Asian transitions: exploring the rise of far right ideology. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 9783031366857
Nayak, Bhabani Shankar (2024) Intimate capitalism unveiled. In: Intimate capitalism: political economy of labour and culture in creative industries. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9783031649431
Nayak, Bhabani Shankar (2024) Intimate capitalism: political economy of labour and culture in creative industries. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 9783031649431
Nayak, Bhabani Shankar (2024) Making of intimate capitalism: from cultrural economy to creative and cultural industries. In: Intimate capitalism: political economy of labour and culture in creative industries. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 7-14. ISBN 9783031649462
Nayak, Bhabani Shankar (2025) The unholy trinity: Hindutva, capitalism and imperialism. Palgrave, New York. (In Press)
Nayak, Bhabani Shankar (2024) Eurocentric fables of international debt and China. China report. China Report, 60 (3). pp. 212-217. ISSN 0009-4455, 0973-063X
Nayak, Bhabani Shankar (2022) Political economy of development and business: towards decolonisation, transformation and alternative perspectives. Palgrave, London. ISBN 9783031110924
Nayak, Bhabani Shankar and Tabassum, Naznin (2025) Impact of patriarchy and gender stereotypes on working women: exploring its past, present and future. Diversity and Inclusion Research (DIRE) . Springer Cham, New York. ISBN 978-3031744051
Nayak, Bhabani Shankar and Walton, Nigel (2024) Political economy of artificial intelligence: critical reflections on Big Data market, economic development and data society. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 9783031623080 (e-book), 9783031623073 (hardcover)
Nelson, Lycette and Bartenev, Dmitri (2011) Rights in psychiatric care : implementation of Shtukaturov v Russia. EHRAC bulletin (16). pp. 6-7.
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Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Al-Hmoud, Nisreen (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Arabic). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Espona, Maria (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Spanish). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gergalova, Galyna (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Ukrainian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Gkiouli, Myrto (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Greek). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Kelle, Alexander (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in German). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Malygina, Anastasia and Dukhinova, Marina (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Russian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Martellini, Maurizio, Falzone, Lidia and Brienza, Giuseppina (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Italian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Shinomiya, Nariyoshi (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Japanese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun, Shinwari, Zabta, Khalil, Ali, Tanveer, Fouzia and Saleemi, Ahmad (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Urdu). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Titanyan, Emilya (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Armenian). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Xue, Yang (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in Chinese). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 1 (2017) (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 1: Preventing biological weapons - page 2 (2021) (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 1 (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 2: Code of conduct - page 2 (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 1 (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 3: Education and awareness-raising - page 2 (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 1 (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 4: Evaluation - page 2 (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 1 (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon 5: Integration - page 2 (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon folder cover - back page (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Dando, Malcolm, Shang, Lijun and Zanders, Jean Pascal (2021) Cartoon folder cover - front page (in French). [Artefact]
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Malygina, Anastasia, Shang, Lijun and Dando, Malcolm (2021) After the pandemic: the role of innovative awareness-raising and education in strengthening the BTWC science and technology review mechanism. In: III International Conference, Global Biosecurity Challenges. Problems and solutions, 24-25 June 2021, Russia.
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Shang, Lijun and Dando, Malcolm (2021) Biological security education, awareness, and outreach as essential elements of strengthening the review of science and technology under the BTWC. CBW Magazine: Journal on Chemical and Biological Weapons. pp. 36-40. ISSN 0974-0619
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Shang, Lijun and Dando, Malcolm (2022) Biological security education, awareness, and outreach as essential elements of strengthening the review of science and technology under the BTWC. In: Biosecurity for All: The Role of Scientists, 6 April 2022.
Novossiolova, Tatyana, Whitby, Simon, Dando, Malcolm and Shang, Lijun (2022) Strengthening biological security after COVID-19: using cartoons for engaging life science stakeholders with the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC). Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity, 4 (1). pp. 68-74. ISSN 2588-9338
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