Items where Year is 2015

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Abegglen, Sandra and Morris, Anne M. (2015) Peer-led learning: Challenges and opportunities. Investigations in university teaching and learning, 10. pp. 77-81. ISSN 1740-5106

Aghili, Afshan and Bhakta, Dee (2015) Validation of a food frequency questionnaire using 7 day weighed food diaries in an elderly population with arthritis. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 74 (OCE1). ISSN 0029-6651

Ahmadi, Farzaneh, Namiranian, A. and Virdee, Bal Singh (2015) Design and implementation of a single layer circularly polarized reflectarray antenna with linearly polarized feed. Electromagnetics, 35 (2). pp. 93-100. ISSN 0272-6343

Ahmed, Shafi (2015) Real time detection of malicious webpages using machine learning techniques. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Ahmed, Zahra (2015) Prevalence and seasonal variation of severe childhood protein calorie malnutrition in Khartoum : implication for brain function. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Al-Azzawi, Farah (2015) Degradation studies on recycled Polyethylene terephthalate. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Al-Jarrah, Mohammed Maher (2015) What do Syrian managers know about self-directed learning? Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Alibakhshikenari, Mohammad, Naser-Moghadasi, Mohammad, Ali Sadeghzadeh, Ramazan and Virdee, Bal Singh (2015) Metamaterial-based antennas for integration in UWB transceivers and portable microwave handsets. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering. ISSN 1096-4290

Alibakhshikenari, Mohammad, Naser-Moghadasi, Mohammad, Virdee, Bal Singh, Andújar, Aurora and Anguera, Jaume (2015) Compact antenna based on a composite right/left-handed transmission line. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 57 (8). pp. 1785-1788. ISSN 0895-2477

Amini, Chiara and Dal Bianco, Silvia (2015) CSR and firm performance: new evidence from developing countries. In: Development-oriented corporate social responsibility. GREENLEAF. ISBN 9781783532452

Amoako-Attah, Eva (2015) Body composition measurement in African and Caribbean children and its relationship with morbidity. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Anastasi, Natasha Angela (2015) Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology: Competence Assessments. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Anna, Paraskevopoulou and Sonia, McKay (2015) Workplace equality in Europe : the role of trade unions. Ashgate, Surrey, UK. ISBN ISBN: 978-1-4724-2673-4

Antunes, António M., Maia, José A., Stasinopoulos, Dimitrios, Gouveia, Élvio R., Thomis, Martine A., Lefevre, Johan A., Teixeira, Alexandra Q. and Freitas, Duarte L. (2015) Gross motor coordination and weight status of Portuguese children aged 6-14 years. American journal of human biology, 5. pp. 681-689. ISSN 1042-0533

Astley, Marcus (2015) Orchestrated stakeholder dialogue: its place in dynamic capability theory and its practical value for business. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Aumayr-Pintar, Christine, Boehmer, Simon, Bremermann, Mitchell, Paraskevopoulou, Anna, McKay, Sonia, Lewis, Jane and Clark, Nick (2015) Developments in working life in Europe: EurWORK annual review 2014. Project Report. European Observatory of Working Life (Eurofound), Dublin.

Ayasrah, Bilal Mohammad Farhan (2015) The role of translation in shaping media and political discourses in times of conflict : the Syrian "Spring" in context. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.


Bagwell, Sue (2015) Designing healthier catering interventions for takeaways in deprived areas. Journal of Environmental Health Research, 15 (1). pp. 38-56. ISSN 1476-0932

Bajnaid, Nada O., Benlamri, Rachid, Pakstas, Algirdas and Salekzamankhani, Shahram (2015) Towards Ontology-based SQA Recommender for Agile Software Development. Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering, 5 (3). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2165-7866

Baldwin, Jon (2015) Posthumanist panic cinema? The films of Andrew Niccol. Cinema - Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image, 7. pp. 86-106. ISSN 1647-8991

Baldwin, Jon (2015) ‘Self-immolation by technology’: Jean Baudrillard and the posthuman in film and television. In: The Palgrave handbook of Posthumanism in film and television. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 19-27. ISBN 9781137430311

Bamford, Jan (2015) ‘A window to the world’: the challenges and benefits of transnational joint Masters programmes for internationalising the curriculum. In: Critical perspectives on internationalizing the curriculum in disciplines: reflective narrative accounts from business, education and health. Sense Publications, Netherlands.

Banner, Jack (2015) Exploring narratives of exclusion from school: how adolescent boys and educationalists negotiate schooling, family and gendered discourses. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Barker, Kimberley (2015) A grounded theory study : of the role of interpersonal processes in community sexual offending group work programmes from a counselling psychology perspective. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Bartlett, Dean (2015) Misplaced talent. In: Misplaced Talent: a guide to better people decisions. J. Wiley & Son, Hoboken, New Jersey. USA, ix-xii. ISBN 9781119030942

Bartlett, Dean (2015) Recycling in the Workplace: insights from psychology. London Business Matters, 2015 (117). p. 32. ISSN 1469-5162

Bartlett, Dean (2015) Social Sustainability and the Nature of Organizations. Working In The Future.

Baños-Piñero, Rocío and Toto, Piero (2015) Challenges and constraints in designing a localisation module for a multilingual cohort. In: Conducting research in translation technologies. New trends in translation studies (13). Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 185-206. ISBN 9783034309943

Bennett, Karen L. (2015) European Union guidelines on human rights defenders: a review of policy and practice towards effective implementation. International Journal of Human Rights, 19 (7). pp. 908-934. ISSN 1364-2987

Bennett, Karen L., Ingleton, Danna, Nah, Alice and Savage, James (2015) Critical perspectives on the security and protection of human rights defender. The International Journal of Human Rights, 19 (7). pp. 883-895. ISSN 1364-2987

Bennett, Roger (2015) Facilitators and barriers to the assimilation of marketing executives into senior management roles. Career Development International, 20 (4). pp. 315-338. ISSN 1362-0436

Berg, Karin (2015) Online support and domestic violence : negotiating discourses, emotions, and actions. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Bienvenu, Meghyn, Kikot, Stanislav and Podolskii, Vladimir (2015) Tree-like queries in OWL 2 QL: succinctness and complexity results. Proceedings of LICS 2015: 30th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science,. pp. 317-328.

Biggs, Melissa (2015) Sexuality and considering motherhood after an HIV diagnosis : an IPA exploration of the experiences of European, childless women. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Bojkova, Viara (2015) Abenomics and Japan's Future. Global Policy Institute Discussion Paper. pp. 2-18.

Borhani, Seyyed Jamal, Honarvar, M. Amin and Virdee, Bal Singh (2015) High selectivity UWB bandpass filter with a wide notched-band. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 57 (3). pp. 634-639. ISSN 0895-2477

Bowers, Len, James, Karen, Quirk, Alan, Simpson, Alan, Stewart, Duncan and Hodsoll, John (2015) Reducing conflict and containment rates on acute psychiatric wards: the Safewards cluster randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52 (9). pp. 1412-1422. ISSN 0020-7489

Brinson, Mike (2015) A unified approach to compact device modelling with the open source packages Qucs/ADMS and MAPP/Octave. In: IEEE EDS POLAND MINI-COLLOQUIUM - Training Course on Compact Modeling (TCCM), 24 June 2015, Torun Poland.

Brinson, Mike, Crozier, Richard, Kuznetsov, Vadim, Novak, Clemens, Roucaries, Bastien, Schreuder, Frans and Torri, Guilherme B. (2015) Qucs: improvements and new directions in GPL compact device modelling and circuit simulation tools. In: Modeling of Systems and Parameter Extraction Working Group: MOS-AK Workshop at DATE Conference, March 12, 2015, Grenoble, France.

Brinson, Mike, Crozier, Richard, Novak, Clemens, Roucaries, Bastien, Schreuder, Frans and Torri, Guilherme B. (2015) Qucs: an introduction to the new simulation and compact device modelling features implemented in release 0.0.19/0.0.19Src2 of the popular GPL circuit simulator. In: Modeling of Systems and Parameter Extraction Working Group: 13th MOS-AK ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Workshop, 18 September 2015, Graz.

Brinson, Mike and Kuznetsov, Vadim (2015) Qucs Equation-Defined and Verilog-A Higher Order Behavioral Device Models for Harmonic Balance Circuit Simulation. International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science, 6 (2). pp. 49-58. ISSN 2080-8755 eISSN 235-9607

Brinson, Mike and Kuznetsov, Vadim (2015) Qucs equation-defined and Verilog-A RF device models for harmonic balance circuit simulation. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits & Systems (MIXDES). pp. 192-197. ISSN ISBN: 978-8-3635-7807-7, CD-ROM ISBN: 978-8-3635-7806-0

Brinson, Mike, Kuznetsov, Vadim and Grabinski, Wladek (2015) Qucs Equation-Defined Device modelling with a Verilog-A Prototyping Platform. In: Modeling of Systems and Parameter Extraction Working Group., 9 December 2015, 8th International MOS-AK Workshop, (co-located with the IEDM Conference and CMC Meeting) Washington DC..


Campbell, Nigel (2015) An exploration of adult male experiences of having irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) : a qualitative study. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Castano, Victor and Schagaev, Igor (2015) Resilient computer system design. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-15069-7

Catina, Alexander (2015) A view made unnecessary: questioning a theory of irony-work in architecture. In: AHRA conference 2015: That Thing Called Theory, 19th-21st Novemeber 2015, Beckett University Leeds. (Unpublished)

Che, Yahui, Xue, Yong, Xu, Hui, Mikusauskas, Romas and Lu, She (2015) The inter-comparison of AATSR aerosol optical depth retrievals from various algorithms. In: 2015 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 26-31 July 2015, Milan, Italy.

Chen, Gaoyun, Xu, Ying, Yu, Deng-Guang, Zhang, Dao-Fang, Chatterton, Nicholas and White, Kenneth (2015) Structure-tunable Janus fibers fabricated using spinnerets with varying port angles. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 51 (22). pp. 4623-6. ISSN 1364-548X

Chryssogelos, Angelos (2015) Foreign policy change in a polarized two-party system: Greece and Turkey's EU candidacy. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 15 (1). pp. 19-36. ISSN 1468-3857

Chryssogelos, Angelos (2015) Patterns of transnational partisan contestation of European foreign policy. European Foreign Affairs Review, 20 (2). pp. 227-245. ISSN 1384-6299

Clarke, Tilean Naomi (2015) Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology thesis portfolio (Clarke : 2015) : Adolescents' views of the electronic cigarette: a new gateway to addiction? Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Colgan, Fiona (2015) Voice and visibility: tackling the ‘invisibility’ of the sexual orientation strand in UK organisation equality and diversity research. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Collins, Jeremy (2015) Legitimacy and the celebrity single-issue candidate. In: UK Election Analysis 2015: Media, Voters and the Campaign. The Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community Bournemouth University, Poole, England, pp. 84-85. ISBN 978-1-910042-07-6

Contrepois, Sylvie (2015) Student workers: a new invisible proletariat? Evidence from the French case. Forum Socjologiczne, 1 (1). pp. 119-132. ISSN 2083-7763

Coward, Sinclair (2015) The Emotional Wellbeing of Black and Dual Heritage Looked After Young People. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Cox, Sharon (2015) The effect of alcoholism on visuo-spatial perspective taking. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Coy, Maddy, Kelly, Liz, Vera-Gray, Fiona, Garner, Maria and Kanyeredzi, Ava (2015) From ‘no means no’ to ‘an enthusiastic yes’: changing the discourse on sexual consent through sex and relationships education. In: Global Perspectives and Key Debates in Sex and Relationships Education: Addressing Issues of Gender, Sexuality, Plurality and Power. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 84-99. ISBN 9781137500229

Cricklewood Community Play Association, CCPA and O'Connell, Kathryn (2015) Cricklewood Community Play Association: The bodhrán makers by John B Keane. [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

Cullinan, Michael (2015) Equation defined device modelling of floating gate M.O.S.F.E.Ts. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.


Daak, Ahmed A., Elderdery, A. Y., Elbashir, L. M., Mariniello, Katia, Mills, J., Scarlett, G, Elbashir, Mustafa I. and Ghebremeskel, Kebreab (2015) Omega 3 (n-3) fatty acids down-regulate nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) genen and blood cell adhesion molecule expression in patients with homozygous sickle cell disease. Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases, 55 (1). pp. 48-55.

Daak, Ahmed A. and Ghebremeskel, Kebreab (2015) Blood Cell Membrane Omega-3 (n-3) Fatty Acid Abnormality and Supplementation in Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia. In: Handbook of Lipids in Human Function: Fatty Acids. Elsevier Publishing Company, Oxford, pp. 711-730. ISBN 9781630670368

Dadgarpour, Abdolmehdi, Zarghooni, Behnam, Denidni, Tayeb A. and Virdee, Bal Singh (2015) High-gain end-fire bow-tie antenna using artificial dielectric layers. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 9 (12). pp. 1254-1259. ISSN 1751-8725

Dadgarpour, Abdolmehdi, Zarghooni, Behnam, Virdee, Bal Singh and Denidni, Tayeb A. (2015) Beam-deflection using gradient refractive-index media for 60-GHz end-fire antenna. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63 (8). pp. 3768-3774. ISSN 0018-926X

Dadgarpour, Abdolmehdi, Zarghooni, Behnam, Virdee, Bal Singh and Denidni, Tayeb A. (2015) Enhancement of tilted beam in elevation plane for planar end-fire antennas using artificial dielectric medium. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63 (10). pp. 4540-4545. ISSN 0018-926X

Dadgarpour, Abdolmehdi, Zarghooni, Behnam, Virdee, Bal Singh and Denidni, Tayeb A. (2015) Improvement of gain and elevation tilt angle using metamaterial loading for millimeter-wave applications. Antennas and wireless propagation letters, 15. pp. 418-420.

Dadgarpour, Abdolmehdi, Zarghooni, Behnam, Virdee, Bal Singh and Denidni, Tayeb A. (2015) Millimeter-wave high-gain SIW end-fire bow-tie antenna. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63 (5). pp. 2337-2342. ISSN 0018-926X

Daehnhardt, Elena, Taylor, Nick K. and Jing, Yanguo (2015) Usage and Consequences of Privacy Settings in Microblogs. In: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 26-28 October 2015, Liverpool, UK.

Dal Bianco, Silvia (2015) Going clubbing in the eighties: convergence in manufacturing sectors at a glance. Empirical Economics. ISSN 0377-7332

Dal Bianco, Silvia, Bruno, Randolph L. and Signorelli, Marcello (2015) The joint impact of labour policies and the "Great Recession" on unemployment in Europe. Economic Systems, 39 (1). pp. 3-26. ISSN 0939-3625

Day, Lisa (2015) Exploring management education through the lens of situated learning. Investigations in university teaching and learning, 10 (1). pp. 3-7. ISSN 1740-5106

De Marco, Marcella (2015) Bridging the gap between gender (studies) and (audiovisual) translation. Prosopopeya: Revista de Crítica Contemporánea. Special Issue: Traducción, Ideología y Poder en la Ficción Audiovisual (9). pp. 99-109. ISSN 1575-8141

Denicke-Polcher, Sandra and Khonsari, Torange (2015) Architecture of multiple authorship. In: 2nd Annual AAE Conference 2014 Living and Learning, 3-5 September 2014, University of Sheffield.

Dixon, Chris (2015) The New BRICS Bank: Challenging the International Financial Order? Global Policy Institute policy paper (28). pp. 1-13.

Dong, Guangheng, Lin, Xiao, Hu, Yanbo, Xie, Chunming and Du, Xiaoxia (2015) Imbalanced functional link between executive control network and reward network explain online-game seeking behaviors in internet gaming disorder. Scientific Reports, 5 (9197). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2045-2322

Dornellas, Ana Paula Segantine, Watanabe, Regina Lucia Harumi, Pimentel, Gustavo Duarte, Boldarine, Valter Tadeu, Nascimento, Claudia Maria Oller do, Oyama, Lila Missae, Ghebremeskel, Kebreab, Wang, Yiqun, Bueno, Allain A. and Ribeiro, Eliane Beraldi (2015) Deleterious effects of lard-enriched diet on tissues fatty acids composition and hypothalamic insulin actions. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (PLEFA), 102. pp. 21-29. ISSN 0952-3278


Efthymiou, Stratis-Andreas (2015) Army and society: positive motivations for enlistment. Technical Report. Internal distribussion, Cyprus Ministry of Defence, Nicosia. (Unpublished)

Elshazly, Ehab H., Faragallah, Osama S., Abbas, Alaa M., Ashour, Mahmoud A., El-Rabaie, El-Sayed M., Kazemian, Hassan, Alshebeili, Saleh A., Abd El-Samie, Fathi E. and El-sayed, Hala S. (2015) Robust and secure fractional wavelet image watermarking. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 9. pp. 89-98. ISSN 1863-1703


Farahmand, Nasim (2015) Characterization of probiotic Lactobacillus spp. isolates from commercial fermented milks. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Feild, Paul Richard (2015) How does localism for standards work in practice? The practitioner’s view of local standards post Localism Act 2011. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Fernando, Sandra (2015) Blind drawing: investigation into screen location tracking for computer aided interactive drawing. In: ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing.

Fourali, Chahid (2015) Key steps to success: the science behind selling. Contact Online, 21 (116).

Fox, Darrell James (2015) Power relations in advocacy approaches in family group conferencing with children and young people. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

French, Fiona, Mancini, Clara and Sharp, Helen (2015) Designing interactive toys for elephants. In: CHI PLAY '15: The annual symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, October 2015, London.


Gaga, Ali Thomas (2015) A knowledge management framework for the postal sector. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Gemi, Eda (2015) Socio-economic Integration of Immigrants in Greece: The Case of the Greater Athens Area. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Gill, Ravinder (2015) "Don’t let them see a drink in my hand" : an interpretative phenomenological analysis of British Sikh women's experiences of alcohol. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Gilmour, Amy (2015) An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Counselling Psychology Trainees’ Experiences of Working with Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Gold, Margaret and Gold, John Robert (2015) Framing the future: sustainability, legacy and the 2012 London Games. In: The Routledge Handbook of Sport and Legacy: Meeting the Challenge of Major Sports Events,. Routledge, London, pp. 142-158. ISBN 9780415675819

Goldsmith, Melanie (2015) Institutional repository user guide. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Guadarrama-López, Ana L., Valdés-Ramos, Roxana, Kaufer-Horwitz, Martha, Harbige, Laurence S., Contreras, Irazú and Martínez-Carrillo, Beatriz E. (2015) Relationship between fatty acid habitual intake and early inflammation biomarkers in individuals with and without type 2 Diabetes in Mexico. Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Drug Targets, 15 (3). pp. 234-241. ISSN 1871-5303


Habte, Samson, Palmer-Brown, Dominic, Kang, Miao and Cai, Fang Fang (2015) Identifying student group profiles for diagnostic feedback using snap-drift modal learning neural network. Artificial Intelligence Research, 5 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1927-6982

Haidery, Ahmad Zia (2015) The role of microvesicles in EMT and tumour microenvironment. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Hansen, Susan and Flynn, Danny (2015) Longitudinal photo-documentation: Recording living walls. Street Art & Urban Creativity, 1 (1). pp. 26-31. ISSN 2183-3869

Hansen, Susan and Flynn, Danny (2015) Longitudinal photodocumentation: Recording living walls. In: Street Art and Urban Creativity International Seminar, July 3-5 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.

Hansen, Susan and Flynn, Danny (2015) ‘This is not a Banksy!’: street art as aesthetic protest. Continuum. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1030-4312

Henton, Isabel (2015) An interpretative phenomenological analysis of counselling psychology trainees experiences of practice-based research training. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Hitchins, Jennifer Marie (2015) Posttraumatic growth as a discursive resource for managing identity after breast cancer : implications for theory, and counselling psychology practice. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Holland, Amanda (2015) Words and facts: children's fast mapping, retention and extension. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Holland, Amanda, Simpson, Andrew and Riggs, Kevin J. (2015) Young children retain fast mapped object labels better than shape, color, and texture words. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 134. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0022-0965

Honarvar, M. Amin, Hamidi, Naeemehsadat and Virdee, Bal Singh (2015) Multiband antenna for portable device applications. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 57 (4). pp. 956-959. ISSN 0895-2477

Hou, Zhanyuan and Baigent, Stephen (2015) Global stability and repulsion in autonomous Kolmogorov systems. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 14 (3). pp. 1205-1238. ISSN 1534-0392

Howard, Michael John (2015) A multimodal perspective on modality in the English language classroom. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Hutchison, Paul, Lubna, Shumitha Akhtar, Goncalves-Portelinha, Isabelle, Kamali, Parul and Khan, Noreen (2015) Group-based discrimination, national identification, and British Muslims’ attitudes toward non-Muslims: the mediating role of perceived identity incompatibility. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45 (6). pp. 330-344. ISSN 0021-9029


Iosifidis, Petros and Wheeler, Mark (2015) The Public Sphere and Network Democracy: Social movements and Political Change? Global Media Journal, 13 (25). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1550-7521

Irish Studies Centre, ISC and London Metropolitan University, LMU (2015) 7th Annual Irish in Britain Seminar Series [poster]. [Pamphlet]

Irish Studies Centre, ISC and London Metropolitan University, LMU (2015) Irish Studies Centre information leaflet. [Ephemera]

Irish Studies Centre, ISC and London Metropolitan University, LMU (2015) Irish history month. Workers before, during and after the 1916 Easter rising. [Ephemera]

Itim, Bachir (2015) Influence of Polyolefin Contamination on the Thermal Characteristics of Bottle Grade Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Itim, Bachir and Philip, Mathew (2015) Effect of multiple extrusions and influence of PP contamination on the thermal characteristics of bottle grade recycled PET. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 117. pp. 84-89. ISSN 0141-3910


Jonsson, Terese (2015) White feminist stories : locating race in the narratives of British feminism. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Jorfi, Samireh, Ansa-Addo, Ephraim A., Kholia, Sharadkumar Rajnikant, Stratton, Dan, Valley, Shaunelle, Lange, Sigrun and Inal, Jameel (2015) Inhibition of microvesiculation sensitizes prostate cancer cells to chemotherapy and reduces docetaxel dose required to limit tumor growth in vivo. Scientific Reports. ISSN 2045-2322


Karamzadeh, Saeid, Rafii, Vahid, Kartal, Mesut and Virdee, Bal Singh (2015) Compact and broadband 4×4 SIW Butler matrix with phase and magnitude error reduction. IEEE Microwave and wireless components letters, 25 (12). pp. 772-774. ISSN 1531-1309

Karan, Olgu (2015) Collective resource mobilisation for economic survival within the Turkish speaking communities in London. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Kaur, Harjinder (2015) Attitudes of South Asian men in the UK toward women and their understanding of and justification for domestic violence. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Kelly, Liz (2015) Violence against women. In: Introducing gender and women's studies. Palgrave, London, pp. 114-132. ISBN 978113732179

Kelly, Liz and Westmarland, Nicole (2015) Domestic violence perpetrator programmes : steps towards change. Project Mirabal final report. Project Report. London Metropolitan University and Durham University, London and Durham.

Kelly, Liz and Westmarland, Nicole (2015) New Approaches to Assessing Effectiveness and Outcomes of Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes. In: Critical issues on violence against women : international perspectives and promising strategies. Routledge, London, pp. 183-194. ISBN 9780415856249

Keshavarz, Behrang, Stelzmann, Daniela, Paillard, Aurore and Hecht, Heiko (2015) Visually induced motion sickness can be alleviated by pleasant odours. Experimental Brain Research, 233. pp. 1353-1364. ISSN 0014-4819

Kholia, Sharadkumar Rajnikant, Jorfi, Samireh, Thompson, Paul R., Causey, Corey P., Nicholas, Anthony P., Inal, Jameel and Lange, Sigrun (2015) A novel role for peptidylarginine deiminases in microvesicle release reveals therapeutic potential of PAD inhibition in sensitizing prostate cancer cells to chemotherapy. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 4 (26192). ISSN 2001-3078

Kim, Min Sun (2015) Transformational jewellery: practice-based research on the relationship between transformation and emotional attachment. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Kiose, Daniil (2015) The ACEWEM computational laboratory : an integrated agent-based and statistical modelling framework for experimental designs of repeated power auctions. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Kissin, Edward and Shulman, Victor S. (2015) Non-unitary representations of nilpotent groups, I: Cohomologies, extensions and neutral cocycles. Journal of Functional Analysis, 269 (8). pp. 2564-2610. ISSN 0022-1236

Kissin, Edward and Shulman, Victor S. (2015) Representations of nilpotent groups: extensions, neutral cohomology, and Pontryagin spaces. Functional Analysis and Its Applications, 49 (3). pp. 222-225. ISSN 0016-2663

Kollectiv, Galia and Kollectiv, Pil (2015) Office space. [Show/Exhibition]


Lange-Kuettner, Christiane and Küttner, Enno (2015) How to learn places without spatial concepts: does the what-and-where reaction time system in children regulate learning during stimulus repetition? Brain and Cognition, 97. pp. 59-73. ISSN 0278-2626

Lange-Kuettner, Christiane and Sykorova, Eva (2015) Mojibake - the rehearsal of word fragments in verbal recall. Frontiers in Psychology, 06. ISSN 1664-1078

Lawson-Last, Valerie (2015) Understanding the performance of the Left Party (die Linke) in Western Germany : a comparative evaluation of cartel and social cleavage theories as explanatory frameworks. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Lehane, Paul Michael (2015) Counterfactual, prevention and causal thinking about workplace slip and trip accidents : a study of safety professionals, managers and accident subjects. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Lewis, Peter M. (2015) Community media policy. In: The Routledge companion to alternative and community media. Routledge, Abingdon & New York, pp. 179-188. ISBN 978-0-415-64404-4

Lewis, Peter M. (2015) Discursive absence: the case for community radio. Quaderns del CAC, 41 (XVIII). pp. 5-10. ISSN 2014-2242

Li, Chi, Xue, Yong, Liu, Quanhua, Ouazzane, Karim and Zhang, Jiahua (2015) Using SeaWiFS measurements to evaluate long-term radiometric stability of pseudo-invariant calibration sites. IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters, 12 (1). pp. 125-129. ISSN 1545-598X

Lillis, Theresa, Harrington, Kathy, Lea, Mary and Mitchell, Sally (2015) Introduction: Working with Academic Literacies. In: Working with Academic Literacies: Case Studies Towards Transformative Practice. Perspectives in Writing . Colorado State University Open Press / WAC Clearinghouse, Anderson, South Carolina, pp. 3-22. ISBN 9781602357624

Liu, Jia, Feld, Dustin, Xue, Yong, Garcke, Jochen and Soddemann, Thomas (2015) Multicore processors and graphics processing unit accelerators for parallel retrieval of aerosol optical depth from satellite data: implementation, performance, and energy efficiency. IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing, 8 (5). pp. 2306-2317. ISSN 1939-1404

Liu, Jia, Xue, Yong, Palmer-Brown, Dominic, Chen, Ziqiang and He, Xingwei (2015) High-Throughput Geocomputational Workflows in a Grid Environment. Computer, 48 (11). pp. 70-80. ISSN 0018-9162

Liu, L. W. Y., Inal, Jameel, Steer, M. B. and Virdee, Bal Singh (2015) Microfabrication of conical microfunnels for drug delivery applications. Micro and Nano Letters, 10 (7). pp. 355-357. ISSN 1750-0443

Lynch, Patrick (2015) Practical poetics: rhythmic spatiality and the communicative movement between site, architecture and sculpture. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Lütke, Nikolay and Lange-Kuettner, Christiane (2015) Keeping it in three dimensions: measuring the development of mental rotation in children with the rotated colour cube test (RCCT). International Journal of Developmental Science, 9 (2). pp. 95-114. ISSN 2192-001X


Madu, A. J., Abuknesha, N. and Ghebremeskel, Kebreab (2015) The role of lipids in inflammation: review of the evolving pathogenesis of sickle cell disease. Biology and Medicine, 7 (4). p. 1000244. ISSN 0974-8369

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