The evolution of Qucs-S as a software tool for RF and mixed signal IC design using the IHP 130nm BiCMOS Open Source PDK

Brinson, Mike (2024) The evolution of Qucs-S as a software tool for RF and mixed signal IC design using the IHP 130nm BiCMOS Open Source PDK. In: IEEE Mini-Colloquium: "More than Moore: advances in devices, characterisation and modelling, 15 July. 2024, Advanced Technology Institute (ATI), University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.


On going improvements in semiconductor device technologies have highlightedthe importance and the need for Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) that supports both compact modelling and IC circuit design based on "manufacturers open-source Process Design Kits" (PDK). This presentation outlines the evolution of the Quite Universal Circuit simulator (Qucs-S) as an integrated IC design tool with compact modelling capabilities and simulation features that support analogue, RF and mixed analogue/digital signal IC Design using the IHP 130nm BiCMOS Open Source PDK. A series of example models and simulation test benches are included. These demonstrate new Qucs-S features and their application. All the software introduced is freely available from the internet under GPL or equivalent license.

IEEEMCMikeBrinson15July2024.pdf - Accepted Version
Available under License Creative Commons GNU GPL (Software).

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