Chemistry and biological activity of iron quinoneoximic complexes

Pathirana, Navin Deepal. (1990) Chemistry and biological activity of iron quinoneoximic complexes. Doctoral thesis, Polytechnic of North London.


The synthesis and structure of 1,2-quinone mono-oximes have been reviewed. The reaction of 3-hydroxyphenol, 3-hydroxy-2-aethylphenol, 3-hydroxy-5-methylphenol and N-acetyl-3-aminophenol with amyl nitrite/M(OEt) (M - Na or K) has been systematically examined. It has been found that the complex formed depends on the reaction temperature and phenol/M(OEt) ratio. Infra-red spectroscopic studies have shown that in the solid state 5-hydroxy-l,2-benzoquinone 2-oxime (hqoH,), 5-hydroxy-3-methyl-l,2-benzoquinone 2-oxime (3-MehqoH2), 5-hydroxy-6-methyl-l,2-benzoquinone 2-oxime (e-MehqoH,) and H-acetyl-5-amino- 1,2-benzoquinone 2-oxime (N-AcqoH) and their sodium and potassium complexes exist in the oximic form rather than the nitroso form. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies have also shown that in d,-DHSO solution hqoH,, 3-MehqoH, and 6-MehqoH} and their sodium complexes exist in one form only which is oximic in character. However, in DjO the results for the sodium complexes of hqoH, and e-MeqoH, indicate the presence of at least two species. In the case of the sodium 5-hydroxy-6-methyl-l,2-benzoquinone 2-oximate these species are oximic in character. An X-ray crystallographic study of e-HehqoH, has shown that in the solid state this compound exists in the 1,4- rather than the 1,2-quinone 2-oxlmic form.

The synthesis of iron(II) complexes of hqoH,, 3-MehqoH] and 6-HehqoH] using the direct and the nitrosation methods was examined. The direct method gave rise to the complexes Fe(hqoH), OHjO, Fe(3-HehqoH), and Fe(6-MehqoH)2 '2H20 whereas the nitrosation method gave rise to ill-defined solids. Na[Fe(N-Acqo), ]-4H20 was obtained by nitrosation of N-acetyl-3-aminopnenol in the presence of Iron(II) ammonium sulphate. Hossbauer and magnetic studies indicate that Na[Fe(N-Acqo)j]-4H20 is a low spin iron(II) complex whereas the bischelates have properties indicative of the S - 1 spin state.

In-vlvo assesment of the iron chelating ability of hqoHj, 3-MehqoH2, 6-MehqoH2, N-AcqoH , N,N-dimethyl-5- amino-1,2-benzoquinone 2-oxime and violuric acid was carried out using a normal rat model. The chelators hqoH, and 6-HehqoH2were found to be effective in removing iron when administered intra-muscularly but they also caused the excretion of magnesium. Their activity was lower than that of desferrioxamine and neither was effective when administered orally.

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