What makes a good article for leadership? Thoughts and views from our associate editors, part 2

Edwards, Gareth, Schedlitzki, Doris, Robinson, Sarah, Bolden, Richard and Wilson, Suze (2025) What makes a good article for leadership? Thoughts and views from our associate editors, part 2. Leadership, 21 (1). pp. 3-10. ISSN 1742-7169


Last year we published an editorial that included thoughts and views about what makes a good article for Leadership from three of our associate editors (see Edwards et al., 2024 - https://repository.londonmet.ac.uk/9083/). As this editorial was so well received, we wanted to do the same this year and publish a part 2. This time we hear from three more associate editors, Sarah Robinson, Richard Bolden and Suze Wilson, as they too respond to the following questions:

1. What do you look for in a strong article, suitable for submission to Leadership?
2. What do you see as a critical contribution to leadership studies?
3. Can you highlight and/or explore some past articles published in Leadership that exemplify your views?

As you will see below, the Associate Editors push us towards key thinking around building and traversing bridges in leadership studies to enable areas to be uncovered that have been inaccessible previously. We are also taken back 20 years to the birth of the journal Leadership and are reminded of the original aims; from this we are encouraged to never stop questioning. Lastly, we are also pushed to think differently about leadership with exemplars of critical leadership scholarship. We hope that you enjoy the read once more!

[thumbnail of Associate Editors editorial part 2 Feb Issue 2025.pdf]
Associate Editors editorial part 2 Feb Issue 2025.pdf - Accepted Version

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