Archive of the Irish in Britain

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 51.

Action Group for Irish Youth, AGIY (1995) AGIY Information, issue 39, April 1995. [Serial]

Action Group for Irish Youth, AGIY (1995) AGIY-Info, issue 38, February 1995. [Serial] (Unpublished)

Action Group for Irish Youth, AGIY (1995) AGIY-Info, issue 40, December 1995. [Serial] (Unpublished)

Action Group for Irish Youth, AGIY (1995) Information sheet 'Action Group for Irish Youth training service'. [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

Action Group for Irish Youth, AGIY and Federation of Irish Societies, FIS (1995) Flyer 'Developing a community response'. [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

An Teach Housing Association, ATHA (1995) Minutes of research steering group meeting, 12 June 1995. [Minutes] (Unpublished)

An Teach Irish Housing Association, ATHA (1995) An Teach Irish Housing Association leasing flyer. [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

An Teach Irish Housing Association, ATHA and Glackin, Jim (1995) Notice of establishment of An Teach Irish Youth Research Project steering group. [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

An Teach Irish Housing Association, ATHA and Glackin, Jim (1995) Notice of meeting of An Teach Irish Youth Research Project steering group, with minutes of inaugural meeting. [Minutes] (Unpublished)

Birmingham Irish Community Forum, BICF (1995) Chairperson's Report to the Annual General Meeting, 14 September 1995. [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

Brent Irish Advisory Service, BIAS (1995) BIAS News: information service for the Irish Community. No.11, October 1995. [Serial]

Brent Irish Advisory Service, BIAS (1995) Directory of services. 1995. [Pamphlet] (Unpublished)

Brent Irish Advisory Service, BIAS (1995) Information: BIAS information service subscription. [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

Brent Irish Advisory Service, BIAS (1995) Publications from BIAS Information Centre. [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

Brent Irish Advisory Service, BIAS and Quirey, Stan (1995) Letter from Stan Quirey, Coordinator, to Jim McCool, Research Assistant of Irish Studies Centre. [Correspondence] (Unpublished)

British Association for Irish Studies, BAIS (1995) British Association for Irish Studies Newsletter. Issue No.7, Summer 1995. [Serial]

British Association for Irish Studies, BAIS (1995) British Association for Irish Studies Newsletter. Issue No.8, Winter 1995. [Serial]

Camden Chronicle, CC and Camden Irish Forum, CIF (1995) Fingerprints taken from blind nun, 76. [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

Cara Irish Housing Association, CIHA (1995) Annual report. 1994-1995. [Pamphlet]

Connolly Association, CA and Finlay, Enda (1995) Peace and justice in Ireland: building support for the peace process. [Correspondence] (Unpublished)

Connolly Association, CA and Lyons, Eamonn (1995) Our work for the Irish: annual report of the Connolly Association, 1955. [Serial]

Council of Irish County Associations, CICA (1995) Minute book. 1988-1995. [Minutes] (Unpublished)

Cricklewood Community Play Association, CCPA (1995) CCPA news, Issue 6, March 1995. [Serial] (Unpublished)

Irish Cultural Centre, Hammersmith, ICC (1995) Daughters of Erin: international women's day celebration (poster). [Ephemera]

Irish Studies Centre, ISC (1995) Northern Ireland: What next? (poster). [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

Irish Studies Centre, ISC (1995) Public lecture series, Autumn 1995 (poster). [Ephemera]

Irish Studies Centre, ISC and University of North London, UNL (1995) Public lecture series Autumn 1995. [Ephemera]

Irish Studies Workshop, ISW (1995) 12th annual international conference on Irish dimensions in British education: programme. [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

Irish Studies Workshop, ISW (1995) Twelfth annual international conference Irish dimensions in British education, 1995. Perceptions of the Irish: identities and images. [Ephemera]

Irish Studies Workshop, ISW, Walsh, John and Danaher, Nessan (1995) The great famine writing contest, 1845-1995. [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

Irish in Britain Representation Group, IBRG (1995) London Irish winning battle for ethnic recognition. 29 May 1995. [Ephemera]

Kilkenny Association, KILK and Council of Irish County Associations, CICA (1995) D/D '95 Ticket returns. [Ephemera] (Unpublished)

London Irish Centre, LIC (1995) Administrative Committee meeting minutes. 10 October 1995. [Minutes] (Unpublished)

London Irish Centre, LIC (1995) Administrative Committee meeting minutes. 12 December 1995. [Minutes] (Unpublished)

London Irish Centre, LIC (1995) Administrative Committee meeting minutes. 7 November 1995. [Minutes] (Unpublished)

London Irish Centre, LIC (1995) Administrative Committee meeting minutes. 7 September 1995. [Minutes] (Unpublished)

London Irish Centre, LIC (1995) Annual report booklet, 1994/95. [Serial] (Unpublished)

London Irish Centre, LIC (1995) Three people holding a report. [Photograph] (Unpublished)

London Irish Women's Centre, LIWC (1995) Nora Connolly. [Photograph] (Unpublished)

London Irish Women's Centre, LIWC (1995) Rights for travellers. [Pamphlet]

London Irish Women's Centre, LIWC, Irish Women's Housing Action Group, IWHAG and Birtill, Angie (1995) Information for the single homeless and private tenants. [Pamphlet] (Unpublished)

London Irish Women's Centre, LIWC and Tuffin, Sass (1995) Three people at a table with the booklet 'Rights for travellers'. [Photograph] (Unpublished)

O'Brien, Joanne and London Irish Women's Centre, LIWC (1995) Angela Garrison. [Photograph]

O'Brien, Joanne and London Irish Women's Centre, LIWC (1995) Jean Cross. [Photograph]

O'Brien, Joanne and London Irish Women's Centre, LIWC (1995) Member of the management committee or staff. [Photograph]

O'Brien, Joanne and London Irish Women's Centre, LIWC (1995) Member of the management committee or staff. [Photograph]

O'Brien, Joanne and London Irish Women's Centre, LIWC (1995) Member of the management committee or staff. [Photograph]

Offaly Association, OA (1995) Offaly Association Annual Dinner Dance, Menu. 28 January 1995. [Pamphlet] (Unpublished)

Voluntary Action Camden, VAC (1995) Focus on Camden Irish Forum. [Ephemera]

Wicklow Association, WA (1995) Minutes of Wicklow Association committee meeting, 10 January 1995. [Minutes] (Unpublished)

Wicklow Association, WA (1995) Minutes of Wicklow Association committee meeting, 7 February 1995. [Minutes] (Unpublished)

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