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London Metropolitan University
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London Met Repository
London Met Repository
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Dewey Decimal Classification
000 Computer science, information & general works
010 Bibliography
020 Library & information sciences
050 General serial publications
060 General organizations & museum science
070 News media, journalism & publishing
090 Manuscripts & rare books
100 Philosophy & psychology
110 Metaphysics
120 Epistemology, causation & humankind
130 Parapsychology & occultism
140 Specific philosophical schools
150 Psychology
160 Logic
170 Ethics
180 Ancient, medieval & eastern philosophy
190 Modern western philosophy
200 Religion
210 Philosophy & theory of religion
230 Christianity & Christian theology
240 Christian moral & devotional theology
250 Christian orders & local church
260 Social & ecclesiastical theology
270 History of Christianity & Christian church
280 Christian denominations & sects
290 Other religions
300 Social sciences
310 Collections of general statistics
320 Political science
330 Economics
340 Law
350 Public administration & military science
360 Social problems & services; associations
370 Education
380 Commerce, communications & transportation
390 Customs, etiquette & folklore
400 Language
410 Linguistics
420 English & Old English
430 Germanic languages; German
440 Romance languages; French
450 Italian, Romanian & related languages
460 Spanish & Portuguese languages
470 Italic languages; Latin
480 Hellenic languages; classical Greek
490 Other languages
500 Natural Sciences and Mathematics
510 Mathematics
520 Astronomy & allied sciences
530 Physics
540 Chemistry & allied sciences
550 - Earth Sciences
560 Paleontology; paleozoology
570 Life sciences; biology
580 Plants (Botany)
590 Animals (Zoology)
600 Technology
610 Medicine & health
620 Engineering & allied operations
630 Agriculture & related technologies
640 Home & family management
650 Management & auxiliary services
660 Chemical engineering
670 Manufacturing
680 Manufacture for specific uses
690 Buildings
700 The arts; fine & decorative arts
710 Civic & landscape art
720 Architecture
730 Plastic arts; sculpture
740 Drawing & decorative arts
750 Painting & paintings
760 Graphic arts; printmaking & prints
770 Photography, photographs & computer art
780 Music
790 Recreational & performing arts
800 Literature & rhetoric
810 American literature in English
820 English & Old English literatures
830 Literatures of Germanic languages
840 Literatures of Romance languages
850 Italian, Romanian & related literatures
860 Spanish & Portuguese literatures
870 Italic literatures; Latin literature
880 Hellenic literatures; classical Greek
890 Literatures of other languages
900 History & geography
910 Geography & travel
920 Biography, genealogy & insignia
940 History of Europe
950 History of Asia; Far East
960 History of Africa
970 History of North America
980 History of South America
990 History of other areas