EM Isolation Enhancement Based on Metamaterial Concept in Antenna Array System to Support Full-Duplex Application

Alibakhshikenari, Mohammad, Vittori, Marco, Colangeli, Sergio, Virdee, Bal Singh, Andújar, Aurora and Limiti, Ernesto (2017) EM Isolation Enhancement Based on Metamaterial Concept in Antenna Array System to Support Full-Duplex Application. In: Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, 13-16 November 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


This paper proposes EM mechanism to improve the isolation between transmitting and receiving array antennas using metamaterial EM band gap (MTM-EBG). The proposed mechanism can be applied to full-duplex array antenna system with very closely spaced arrays (0.33λo) with no degradation in radiation pattern. Using the proposed technique the isolation is shown to improve by >30 dB in an antenna array consisting of three-element microstrip patches designed to operate across 9.7 to 12.3 GHz. Parametric analysis was used to optimise the decoupling arrays performances. The proposed antenna array has physical dimensions of 65×22.5×1.6 mm3 and an electrical size of 2.16λo×0.75λo×0.053λo, where λo is free space-wavelength at mid-band of 10 GHz.

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