Karpf, Anne (2025) 'She loved this place': memorial benches as death writing, life writing and life siting. Life Writing. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1448-4528
Karpf, Anne (2024) Is there asbestos in your make-up? Why women with cancer are suing big beauty brands. The Guardian. ISSN 1756-3224
Karpf, Anne (2023) Care by design: women, change and the climate crisis. In: Yasmeen Lari: architecture for the future. MIT Press, Cambridge, MASS.. ISBN 9780262546096
Karpf, Anne (2022) 'It Thought Me' - on interviewing Marion Milner. In: The Marion Milner tradition. The lines of development: evolution of theory and practice over the decades series . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 253-256. ISBN 9781138359758
Karpf, Anne (2021) How women can save the planet. C. Hurst & Co, London. ISBN 9781787384613
Karpf, Anne (2019) Foreword. In: Testimonies of Resistance: Representations of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Sonderkommando. Berghahn Books, Oxford. ISBN 9781789203417
Karpf, Anne (2018) Beyond the consulting room: Winnicott the broadcaster. In: Donald W. Winnicott and the History of the Present. Routledge, London, pp. 123-131. ISBN 978-1-78220-559-3
Karpf, Anne (2018) Listen! The human voice as a neglected psycho-social research topic and resource. Journal of Psychosocial Studies, 11 (2). pp. 33-60. ISSN 1478-6737
Karpf, Anne (2017) The post-Holocaust memoir: 20 years after 50 years later. Mnemosyne, o la costruzione del senso (10). pp. 63-72. ISSN 978-2-87558-564-6
Karpf, Anne (2017) Speaking sex to power? The female voice as a dangerous instrument. Imago: Studi di cinema e media. Ears Wide Open. Il paesaggio sonore negli studi di cinema e media, 14. pp. 27-36. ISSN 2038-5536
Karpf, Anne (2016) The persistence of the oral: on the enduring importance of the human voice. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.
Karpf, Anne (2014) The human voice and the texture of experience. The Journal of the Oral History Society, 42 (2). pp. 50-55. ISSN 0 143 0955
Karpf, Anne (2014) Constructing and addressing the 'ordinary devoted mother': Donald Winnicott's BBC broadcasts, 1943-62. History Workshop Journal, 78. pp. 82-106.
Karpf, Anne (2013) Chain of Testimony: The Holocaust Researcher as Surrogate Witness. In: Representing Auscwitz: At the Margins of Testimony. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, pp. 85-103. ISBN 978-1-137-29768-6
Karpf, Anne (2012) The pleasure of immersion: Some thoughts on how 'The Singing Detective' sustains narrative. Journal of Screenwriting, 4 (3). pp. 309-316. ISSN 1759-7137
Karpf, Anne (2012) The sound of home? Some thoughts on how the radio voice anchors, contains and sometimes pierces. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, 11 (1). pp. 59-73. ISSN 1476-4504