FOSS CAD for the compact Verilog-A model standardization in Open Access PDKs

Grabinski, Wladek, Scholz, Rene, Verley, Jason, Keiter, Eric R., Vogt, Holger, Warning, Dietmar, Nenzi, Paolo, Lannutti, Francesco, Salfelder, Felix, Davis, Al, Brinson, Mike, Virdee, Bal, Torri, Guilherme B., Tomaszewski, Daniel, Bucher, Matthias, Sallese, Jean-Michel, Muller, Markus, Kuthe, Pascal and Krattenmacher, Mario (2024) FOSS CAD for the compact Verilog-A model standardization in Open Access PDKs. In: 2024 8th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM), 03-06 March 2024, Bangalore, India.


The semiconductor industry continues to grow and innovate; however, companies are facing challenges in growing their workforce with skilled technicians and engineers. To meet the demand for well-trained workers worldwide, innovative ways to attract skilled talent and strengthen the local semiconductor workforce ecosystem are of utmost importance. FOSS CAD/EDA tools combined with free and open-access PDKs can serve as a new platform for bringing together IC design newbies, enthusiasts, and experienced mentors.

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